EFLM Academy registrations’ renewal for 2025 – Be Ready!

EFLM Academy Registrations' Renewal for 2025 - Be Ready!

Dear members,

We appreciate your enrolment in European Federation of Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) e-Academy 2024.

As the EFLM Academy’s affiliated national association, MACB will once again establish a block enrolment system for its current ACTIVE members, beginning in January 2025.

For those currently working in the field of laboratory medicine, EFLM Academy offers a range of professional privileges. The Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) offers FREE access to its documents to EFLM Academy Members who have enrolled collectively through their National Society (Malaysian Association of Clinical Biochemists).


Thank you for joining the EFLM e-Academy in 2024. If you’re interested in extending your membership, MACB would like to register your name and submit it to the EFLM office. The fee payable to MACB is RM 85.00 per person (including bank charges). This annual fee covers the period from January to December 2025.


for ACTIVE members only. Please include all the necessary details and made the registration payment to MACB latest by 30 NOV 2024 via this link (Please sign in using your Google/Gmail account to continue): https://forms.gle/r3sLYuz7pkPXCoEYA

After this date, it will be no longer possible to add members as block enrolled (however, members will always have the opportunity to register on individual basis, but with no access to CLSI documents in this case).

Please upload the payment receipt in the link provided as the proof of payment.

We hope that the contents in EFLM e-Academy are valuable to you, and that it is also a part of training and competency for our members who are largely involved in clinical laboratory medicine.

Here we are glad to provide you some informative contents about the EFLM Academy

We look forward to your response and participation in the Academy. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us—we’re happy to help!

Thank you.



President MACB